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Bucks County Parent’s 2024 Women of Influence Network Directory

Discover a treasure trove of inspiration, practical advice, and potential connections from the women shaping our Bucks County Parent Community!

Our inaugural Women of Influence Luncheon at Terrain in DelVal in October is going to be an incredible success!

The Family Focus Media Women of Influence events celebrate Women of Influence Award Winners and fostered meaningful connections among attendees. This year we hosted Luncheons at Terrain Devon and Terrain Delval, as well as a Speed Networking Night in Rittenhouse Square!

To extend the impact beyond these events, we invited each guest to contribute to our Women of Influence Guide with their wisdom, words of encouragement, or an introduction. This directory of local Women of Influence is now available as an enduring source of inspiration and connection for YOU. Scroll through to find your next mentor, collaborator, or simply to be uplifted by the incredible women in our community! So dive in, get inspired, and start building those meaningful connections that can shape your future!

Feature photo by AMC Photography Studios.

LEAH ANDREONI, Marriage & Family Therapist & Owner
Rising Sun Therapy, LLC | risingsuntherapy.com

Being genuine is the greatest way to build strong relationships and partnerships in work and life.

PAMELA BADOLATO, Content Director
Family Focus Media | familyfocus.org

“When you have more than you need, build a longer table not a higher fence.”

MARGOT BAUER, Realtor and Productivity Coach
Keller Williams Doylestown | kwrockstars.com

As a Realtor and Productivity Coach at Keller Williams Doylestown, Margot Bauer has crafted a career that not only fulfills her professional aspirations but also allows her to make a significant impact on her community and fellow realtors. success, mentorship, and community engagement.

Buxmont Social Media & Marketing, LLC | buxmontsocialmedia.com

In the bustling small business landscape of Bucks County, Amy Berridge has dedicated her career to empowering local businesses with honest, effective marketing strategies. As the CEO and Social Media Strategist of Buxmont Social Media & Marketing, Amy stands out as a pinnacle of support and integrity.

Family Focus Media | familyfocus.org

Sarah helps local leaders focus, integrate & amplify their brands’ community connections with Main Line Parent, Philadelphia Family, and Bucks County Parent.

MARY BORDIC, Medical Information Director
Harmony Biosciences

Mary is a former nurse turned pharmaceutical leader here today in support of all Women of Influence as we shine and share our beautiful light with the world.

MELANIE BOYD, General Manager
YogaSix, Discover Doylestown, BC Cares | yogasix.com/location/doylestown

Melanie Boyd serves as a sublime example of compassion, inclusivity, and community engagement. While she has recently transitioned to a new role at YogaSix, her impact as the former General Manager of School of Rock Doylestown continues to resonate throughout the community, exemplifying her commitment to youth empowerment and fostering a sense of belonging.

BRITTANY BREEN, Owner and Head Photographer
Brittany Breen Photography | brittanybreen.com

Create a career that fits your life. Don’t create a life that fits your career.

Brittany Brown, Creator
Britt Around Town | brittaroundtown.com

As the self-described “Arbiter of Local Culture” at Britt Around Town LLC, Brittany Brown has transformed her lifelong love for photography into a powerful platform that showcases and supports small businesses across the region.

Samantha Carroll, CEO
Once Upon A Brand | onceuponabrandllc.com

As the CEO & Principal Consultant of Once Upon A Brand, LLC, Samantha Carroll has carved out a niche in helping impact-driven organizations amplify their messages and connect with their stakeholders more effectively.

AMC Photography | amcphotostudios.com

Passion, determination, and a little bit of creativity; women can break barriers and succeed in any field they choose. Fearlessly chase your dreams.

BRYNN CICIPPIO, Founder & Licensed Therapist
BCA Therapy | bcatherapy.com

“If you want to lift up humanity, empower women. It is the most comprehensive, pervasive, high-leverage investment you can make.” – Melinda Gates #agree

Brynn is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

The Running Wine Mom | therunningwinemom.com

“As The Running Wine Mom, I’m passionate about uplifting women and youth to thrive in health and wellness. Together, we rise, support, and inspire one another to live our best lives.”

Samantha is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

Sarah Cornwell Jewelry | sarahcornwelljewelry.com

Sarah helps women feel confident and express their true selves through her jewelry line, Sarah Cornwell Jewelry.

ASHLEY CROWELL, Executive Director
BC Cares Educational Foundation | bc-cares.org

“BC Cares supports K-12 and college age youth in Bucks County through scholarships, leadership development, grants, and mentorship/volunteer opportunities. Let’s connect!”

KAITLYN CUNNINGHAM, Director of Outreach
Fusion Academy | fusionacademy.com

“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.”

CARA DIXON, CEO and Founder
Growth Minded LLC and Root to Branch 501c3 | growthmindedco.com, root-to-branch.org

“It is an honor to serve the community alongside such an incredible group of women.”

JULI ECKMEIER, Yoga teacher
YOGAMAZIA | yogamazia.com

“Remember the importance of planting trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit.”

Michelle El Khoury, Founder, Perinatal Yoga & Well-Being Coach
YOGAMAZIA | yogamazia.com

A unique sanctuary of wellness, education, and empowerment is flourishing under the guidance of Dr. Michelle El Khoury. As the Founder and Managing Director of Yogamazia, Dr. El Khoury has created more than just a yoga studio; she’s cultivated a community where families find support, children discover resilience, and wellness becomes a way of life.

 “In every stage of life, remember: your calm is your strength.”

COLLEEN FALTOT, Trauma Informed Breath Work Facilitator
Change with Colleen | changewithcolleen.com

Colleen is a woman in recovery from many things including alcoholism, an eating disorder, codependency and crippling anxiety. She’s helped hundreds of women regulate & master their emotions.

BRITTANY FASULO GIANFAGNA, Licensed Professional Therapist, Owner & Author
BAF Therapy Services LLC | baftherapyservices.com

“Surround yourself with people and things that inspire you. Learn everything you can.” – Jameela Jamil

Brittany is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

DANIELLE FILKO, Senior Director, Strategy and Implementation
Bristol Myers Squibb

Danielle is a senior leader with 15 years of strategy, operations, and project management experience motivated by opportunities to innovate, continuously learn, and make a meaningful impact.

Rachel Fischer, Founder
The Most Au-Some Journey | most-au-some-journey.com | @most_au_some_journey

Rachel Fischer, founder of The Most Au-Some Journey, has taken personal experience and molded it into a mission to empower and connect families navigating the complex world of neurodiversity.

DIANNE FURPHY, Certified Life & Mindfulness Coach
Kreate What U Want | kreatewhatuwant.com

Dianne supports kids, teens & adults in boosting confidence, decreasing anxiety, building on social skills, grief, life transitions, (+ more) through art and mindfulness.

TAMIE GANGLOFF, National Business Development and Adjunct Professor at WCU
Hidden River Eating Disorder Treatment | hiddenriverhealing.com

Tamie is an MFT and National Business Development at Hidden River, an adjunct professor at WCU of PA, and a group leader for the National Alliance for Eating Disorders.

BETH GILBERT-CROWELL, Main Line Parent Calendar Editor & Writer
Family Focus Media | familyfocus.org

Be yourself. No one else can do it better than you!

LAURA GURTEN, Director of Clinical Operations
Gameday Men’s Health Southeastern PA/Northern NJ | gamedaymenshealth.com/newtown

“Don’t ever be afraid to ask the hard questions, the worst they can say is no … and then find another way to get it done!”

CORINA JENKINS, Leader & Mental Health Consultant
Specialists of Schools & Thrive Advocacy | linkedin.com/in/corinajenkins

In the fields of education and behavioral health, Corina Jenkins stands out as a dynamic force for positive change. Through her work with Specialists of Schools and as a former leader at Embark Behavioral Health, Corina has made an indelible impact on countless families, professionals, and organizations through her unwavering commitment to connection, compassion, and community building.

“Own your unique story and create the positive impact only you can make!”

Ryan’s Case for Smiles | caseforsmiles.org

As the Founder and CEO of Ryan’s Case for Smiles (RCFS), Cindy Kerr has transformed a mother’s love and a simple act of comfort into a nationwide movement of compassion and support, and has touched the lives of millions of children and families facing the challenges of life-changing illnesses and injuries.

Join Ryan’s Case for Smiles to help children with life-changing illnesses and their families cope today while building resilience for the future.  Volunteer, donate, get involved!

Gifted Gabber | giftedgabber.com

Jothsna wears many hats—Educational Consultant, Study Skills and ADHD Coach, and College Counselor. She’s on a mission to simplify college admissions for high schoolers.

BRIDGET KOLARIK, Publishing Assistant
Family Focus Media | familyfocus.org

“Looking forward to meeting all the amazing women at the 2024 Women of Influence luncheon.”

Testa & Pagnanelli, LLC | tpfamilylaw.com

“Congratulations to the WIF honorees! It’s inspiring to be among such strong women. In my Family Law practice, I enjoy lifting up and supporting women with care, empathy & advocacy.”

STEPHANIE KOSTA, Vice President, Government Affairs
Comcast | xfinity.com

Stephanie L. Kosta’s commitment to public service is evident through her personal and professional work. She not only leads corporate impact efforts for Comcast Freedom Region including programs focused on digital equity through Project UP, but her passion for children, family, diversity, and equity drives her volunteer work. Stephanie is thrilled to be recognized as a Women of Influence among such an inspiring group of women.

Stephanie is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

Big Blue Swim School Paoli | bigblueswimschool.com

“Do more for others, show kindness and enjoy the day.”

The BenLath Law Group, LLC | benlathlaw.com

Embrace the risk and don’t be afraid to take chances. The only real failure occurs when you don’t try.

Julie is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

TIA MAIOLATESI WELSH, Bucks County Orthodontics Chief Smile Ambassador, Marketing Director & Treatment Coordinator
KOL, LightForce & Angel Align / Former Board Member, YMCA of Bucks County, Bucks County Orthodontics | buckscountyorthodontics.com

As the Chief Smile Ambassador and Director of Marketing & Community Outreach at Bucks County Orthodontics, Tia’s local orthodontic practice has grown into a hub of community support and collaboration.

Ivory Tree Portraits | IvoryTreePortraits.com

How our children present themselves starts with how they hear us talk about ourselves and our peers. It’s my passion to create a culture that builds kids’ (and women’s) self-confidence through inclusion, fun, and community.

Lara is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

ANNE-MARIE METTUS, Owner/Photographer
Portraits by Anne-Marie | portraitsbyanne-marie.com

I create portraits that are a love letter to your child. I find the light inside each person I photograph and bring out what is most lovable, unique, and most authentic about them.

Main Line Fashionista Boutique | mainlinefashionista.com

Sometimes we have to Fake It Till We Make It.
That’s ok! Also, don’t overthink social media posts! Post and move on!

Christina Moran, Executive Director
Maternal Wellness Center | maternalwellness.org

As the Executive Director of the Maternal Wellness Center, Christina Moran has dedicated her career to supporting women and families through the complex journey of parenthood. Her story stands as a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative potential of turning personal tragedy into a force for good.

ASHLEY MUIR, Owner + CoFounder
The Foundry | thefoundry.studio

Ashley has created a vibrant co-working space in Doylestown designed to nurture the creative spirit and cultivate entrepreneurship.

Victoria Nedza, Diversity & Inclusion Public Speaker
The Speak Foundation | instagram.com/paigeazden

Victoria Nedza, Project Manager/Senior eLearning Developer by profession and a tireless advocate for disability awareness and inclusion, has made it her life’s mission to forge her personal challenges into opportunities for hope and inspiration in her community.

Stefanie Nemec, Owner, Interior Designer
Lilyrose Homes Interior Design | lilyrosehomes.com

Stefanie Nemec, owner and interior designer of Lilyrose Homes, is a shining example of resilience, creativity, and community spirit. Her thriving business not only fulfills her passion but also uplifts her community.

BRITTANY NETTLES, Realtor/Team Leader
Nettles and Co | Keller Williams | nettlesandco.com

Brittany is a resident of Yardley, serial small business lover, and local Realtor. She’s currently working to find the balance between business and motherhood and proving that women CAN have it all.

Luba Patlakh-Kaplun, Director, MS-CCC/SLP
Kidology Inc | kidologyinc.com

Luba is a bilingual speech language-pathologist, who specializes in child development, pediatric education, and emotional support. Her words of wisdom to all the fantastic, hard working women out there is to never allow a setback to stop your drive. Use it to better yourself, learn and grow, then you can do even MORE!!! Challenge yourself to help motivate others and never, ever give up!

Luba is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

MAIRIN PETRONE, Development Director
Family Focus Media | familyfocus.org

“Criticism should be taken seriously, not personally.” – Hilary Clinton

SUDHA RAMAN, Medical Director, Nemours PA Specialty Care Network,
Nemours Children’s Health System | nemours.org

Dr. Sudha Raman, MD, MBA, FAAP is a board-certified pediatrician and neonatologist. She is currently the Medical Director of Ambulatory Care Centers for Nemours Children’s Health in Pennsylvania and a neonatologist at Nemours Children’s Hospital, Delaware and St. Francis Hospital. Dr. Raman has been practicing medicine in the Delaware Valley for over 20 years. She is passionate about working to ensure that all children have equal access to high-quality healthcare.

Sudha is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

Ries Video Productions | riesvideoproductions.com

Kari is energized by personal and creative videography. When a great story comes together with creative visuals, compelling narration, and carefully curated music, it’s pure magic!

LORI ROBBINS, Director of Sales & Client Marketing
Family Focus Media | familyfocus.org

“May today serve as a reminder of your incredible impact and a celebration of the future you are building for generations to come.”

APRIL ROBINSON, Mental Health Therapist
Whole Heart Reproductive Mental Health | wholeheartmaternalmentalhealth.com

“When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak.” – Audre Lorde

MARISSA ROSEN, Nanny Placement Professional and Founder
MBR NANNY NETWORK | mbrnannynetwork.com

“As women of influence, we nurture growth, foster empowerment, and create lasting impact. Together, we can uplift one another and shape a brighter future for all.”

Claudine Schuster, Yoga Teacher / Owner
Shanteel Yoga Sanctuary | shanteelyogasanctuary.com

Claudine Schuster, owner of Shanteel Yoga Sanctuary, has created more than just a yoga studio; she has nurtured a space where individuals can explore, heal, and grow in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.

Tejal Shah, Director, Business Development
Organon | linkedin.com/in/tejal-shah-b55301a8

As the Director of Supply Chain Business Operations at Organon, Tejal Shah has not only led a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry but has also become a driving force for change in her community.

“What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us,” Ralph Waldo Emerson.

SHARI SIMON, Owner / Head Instructor / Bodywork Therapist
Sun Dog Yoga Studio | sundogyogastudio.com

Shari opened Sun Dog Yoga Studio in the center of historic Doylestown 18 years ago to serve the community with tools for health and self-transformation, including yoga, and bodywork.

Spanish Workshop for Children | spanishworkshopforchildren.com

To my fellow Women of Influence, let’s stand strong together. I lead in early education and have been honored. Remember, you’re powerful. Be proud of your own paths and believe in your abilities — they make a big difference. When unsure, know that our dedication drives change, brightening lives and the future. As leaders, our contributions matter. Keep pushing for new ideas and growth.

Marcela is a member of our Class of 2023 Women of Influence Award Winners alumni. Read her profile here.

LAUREN SZKOLNICKI, Marketing Manager & Designer
Family Focus Media | familyfocus.org | Brand New by Lauren | brandnewbylauren.com

Lauren is a marketing professional that helps individuals build their brands with a range of creative design. She’s also a nature lover, project seeker, volleyball player and coach.

4Ever Young Newtown | 4everyoungnewtownpa.com

As the Director of Supply”My name is Kelly Vliet, owner of 4Ever Young Anti Aging Solutions. I believe that the most effective form of marketing is through B2B collaborations.”

CHRISTINE WOLKIN, Bucks County Parent Calendar Editor & Writer
Family Focus Media | familyfocus.org

Christine received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Penn State and is a passionate storyteller, wife and, most importantly, mother of three small but mighty humans.

Nothing Bundt Cakes Wynnewood, Springfield, Wayne, Collegeville, and Warrington | nothingbundtcakes.com

“Congratulations to the Bucks County Parent Women of Influence for doing important work with grace and grit. It’s an honor to be part of your community.”

Seven Daffodils LLC

As the Director of Supply Chain Business OperVanessa helps local service-based businesses with their tech and system automations through lead generation using Software as a Service, with a Service – GohighLevel.ations at Organon, Tejal Shah has not only led a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry but has also become a driving force for change in her community.

Visit the Bucks County Parent digital Women of Influence Guide to get to know the 2024 Award Winners, our women-led Members, and to look back at last year’s Women of Influence alumni as well! Visit our sister sites to expand your circle beyond Bucks County:

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