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Bucks County Mother Celebrates The Bond Through Breastfeeding in New Children’s Book

In “I Nursed You When,” a mother reflects on her nursing journey with her baby, from the day they first met, until the day they wean.

“I nursed you on the night we first met,

There were tears of both frustration and joy.

For while I was happy to hold you in my arms,

It was not easy learning how to feed a little boy!”

I Nursed You When

Bucks County mother of three, Christine Wolkin, remembers with clarity the joys and struggles that came in the early days of breastfeeding her children, especially her first son.

“He had a severe lip and tongue tie, which made it difficult for him to latch and nurse effectively,” Wolkin explained. Christine was caught off guard by how difficult and time-consuming feeding her son would be. “I thought this would to be the most natural thing in the world, but between using a nipple shield and breast pump for supplemental feedings, sometimes it felt like the furtherest thing from natural!” she shared.

Despite the struggles, Christine swiftly grew enamored by the rituals of nursing and the unique ways it allowed her to bond with her son, and then her daughter, and finally, her last son.

“There’s absolutely nothing like it, gazing down lovingly at a little human you created while your body continues to nourish them,” she said.

Hence, the inspiration for her first children’s book. “I Nursed You When,” is a short story that celebrates the bond between a mother and her baby through their breastfeeding journey. In it, a mother speaks directly to her child, reflecting on their nursing journey, from the day they first met until the day they wean.

Christine wrote “I Nursed You When” in response to her nursing experience with her three children. Photo by Allebach Photography

“I wanted my children to understand as they grew older the importance of this bond we’ve shared. I wanted to read this to them time and time again at bedtime.”

She continues, “This story is a love letter to the children I breastfed, and to all the mothers who’ve come before me and to come. Breastfeeding is a universal human experience, yet it is also such a personal experience. It takes time, sacrifice, and above all else, love,” said Wolkin.

“Christine Wolkin has written a book perfect for mothers of all stages — expecting, nursing and nostalgic ones past the breastfeeding journey — as well as weaning toddlers, or children interested in learning about a new sibling being fed. Its rhythmic words latch you on through the first night feeding, to the very last time. The colorful photos ignite an inclusive feeling for families and help tell the story. As a mother, it brought back many memories of the bonding, comfort and mixed feelings once it was all over. I recommend it for any breastfeeding mothers in your life!” 

Lauren Roberts, Local Mother

“This release comes towards the end of our nursing journey, which makes it extra sentimental,” said Wolkin. “I’m going to miss the bond I’ve had with every single one of my children through this incredible experience, but I know our memories will live on in these pages.”

“I Nursed You When” is available on Amazon

Told through lyrical rhymes and beautiful illustrations, this book is perfect for any expecting parent, new mother and baby, or an older, weaning child. To get your own copy of “I Nursed You When” to read to your little ones, click here!

Disclaimer: Christine is the writer and editor for Bucks County Parent

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