Bucks County Parent Community Calendar
Families with children age 5+
First Sunday of each month | 1-3 pm
October 1 and November 5
$15 / $10 member per person *parents also register
Instructor: Robin Lane
Parents and caregivers accompany their children while drawing in the galleries and the art studio. Participants work with a variety of art materials from month to month. No experience is necessary; adults accompanying children also pay the program fee. Adult caregivers should attend this program with children; it is not a drop-off program.
This program continues in the winter.
Membership discounts apply to those with Household Memberships and above.
Need-based scholarships are available for children’s classes.
Robin Lane received her undergraduate degree in Art Education at Penn State University and her Master’s Degree in Museum Education at the University of the Arts. She has worked with children of all ages and has been a teacher-trainer for adults as well as an adjunct at Arcadia University. Robin Lane has received the distinguished Lindback Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Ruth Hare Award for Philadelphia’s Central Region, and was honored by Art Reach for work in their Art in Schools program.