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Samantha Carroll: Empowering Organizations Through Strategic Communication

Samantha Carroll has carved out a niche in helping impact-driven organizations amplify their messages and connect with their stakeholders more effectively.

As the CEO & Principal Consultant of Once Upon A Brand, LLC, Samantha Carroll has carved out a niche in helping impact-driven organizations amplify their messages and connect with their stakeholders more effectively.

Celebrating exceptional local women making significant impacts in our community.

Our 2024 Women of Influence Award Winners were nominated by peers and selected by the Family Focus Media team based on their achievements and dedication to creating positive change, as revealed through comprehensive questionnaires. Their profiles showcase their inspiring journeys and accomplishments.

Beyond the awards, our Women of Influence Luncheons and Speed Networking Night attendees form our growing “Women of Influence Network,” a community fostering connections, collaboration, and mutual support. We invite you to explore our Award Winners’ stories and leverage our Network Directory in the Women of Influence Guide. Reach out to fellow members to harness the power of our network through shared growth and support. For further engagement, we welcome business and nonprofit leaders to join our Family Focus Media Community Builders Group on Facebook and our NEW Women of Influence LinkedIn Group.

A Champion for Impactful Communication

Samantha’s journey in the world of strategic communication is marked by a deep understanding of its power to drive social progress. “Communication is at the heart of impact-driven organizations,” she explains. “Their ability to communicate effectively can mean the difference between social progress and stalled efforts.”

Her expertise has benefited a diverse array of organizations, from global institutions like Walden University to national advocacy groups like Prevent Child Abuse America. Samantha’s work extends beyond traditional PR, delving into market research, stakeholder analysis, and brand strategy to inform decisions that can change the trajectory of her clients’ work.

Balancing Entrepreneurship and Motherhood

Samantha’s entrepreneurial spirit was sparked during a pivotal time in her personal life – when she was pregnant with her second child. “I had been doing freelance work for a few years, and I realized that it gave me more flexibility to be a career woman and a mother,” she shares. This decision set her on a path that would require immense dedication and time management skills.

Now a mother of four, Samantha is no stranger to achieving a healthy work life balance. “I’ve become a master of time management and an expert at smart delegation,” she notes. Her ability to leverage her network and her commitment to lifelong learning have been key to overcoming challenges and turning obstacles into achievements.

Award-Winning Expertise

In December 2023, she received a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Philadelphia Chapter Pepperpot Award for excellence in Executive Communications. This recognition, for a biographical story she wrote for Robin Leeds, a civil rights advocate and Presidential Appointee, holds special significance for Samantha as a newer resident of Pennsylvania.

Mentorship and Community Involvement

Samantha volunteers with her alma maters, Emory University and Georgetown University, reviewing resumes, speaking to interested candidates, and providing communications insights to MBA students and entrepreneurs.

In Bucks County, Samantha has quickly become an active community member. She serves on the Board of a New Hope nonprofit organization, contributing to both the Communications and Education Committees. She’s also a member of the New Hope Solebury Public School District Arts Advisory Panel, supporting the development of arts programs for local youth.

Advocating for Gender Equality

Samantha is passionate about empowering more women to take on leadership roles. She’s in the process of creating a training program to help women understand how to acquire Board seats and other leadership positions. “I believe that confidence, or the lack thereof, can prevent us from taking steps forward,” she explains. “I want to provide better access to information and greater transparency about the challenges we face on our way up the ladder.”

A Values-Driven Approach

Samantha’s approach to balancing her various roles and responsibilities is grounded in a specific mindset. “I have led my career with a values-forward approach, which has enabled me to feel happier, more confident, and more dedicated as a professional and as a mother,” she shares.

As she looks to the future, Samantha aims to deepen her connections within the Bucks County community, particularly by speaking with different audiences about effective communication. Her story serves as an inspiration for women seeking to make a meaningful impact in their fields while maintaining a fulfilling personal life.

Bucks County Parent Contributing Writer. Learn more about Jen at https://www.jenwarnerwrites.com/